Monday, October 18, 2010

Come on I have extras left over....

You know you live in the south when the house wine is sweet tea, your Grandma is called a Me Maw, duck tape fixes everything and deer hunting is a religion.

I however was raised this way but felt like an alien. I liked champagne, loved my pradas and never I saw NEVER lived on a farm.

I however was faced with my own Jerry Springer moment when my sister moved in with my EX husband….. Yes EX HUSBAND. I was married for 16 years to a man and now my sister needs a second dose of the life I had.

How does that happen and at what point is that normal? My family basically just ignores it…. Really???????

I can’t help but laugh only in the south is acceptable to live with your ex brother-n-law….


Say it with me…….

So I’m the crazy one?


  1. All you can do is laugh.... Or drop kick them.

  2. And they wonder why we have them committed!

  3. This situation is so messed up, this must be a cry for help from the two of them. Someone get the DMS manual out! All the asshole men in the world and she can't find her own? She just isn't trying hard enough.

  4. @Holly She always had a thing for my leftovers....

  5. Darlin he wasn't a leftover, he was bagged and put to the curb.

  6. HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA Thats a great way to look at it.
