Tuesday, October 12, 2010

Why does it burn when I pee?

I’m often amused when an older woman is called a cougar. I don’t find it offensive or a negative term. I myself would be considered a cougar…


If that was only true. I’m more like a house cat than a sassy minx. I am married to a man that is somewhat younger than me almost seven years to be exact. I found being with a man that is 30 years old and me being well…. Do the math, don’t be so lazy, that sometimes we do not see eye to eye.

Don’t get me wrong he is a wonderful man. I know he loves me and that he will always protect me…..but

Giggle.. are you ready? Men his age are built like an old cowboy, taught not to show many emotions, be strong all the time and have not been exposed to true intimacy. If you think about today’s generation, people confuse sex and intimacy, or maybe people just don’t care about it anymore. I myself enjoy it, I don’t want it all the time but I like my daily dose.  Somehow though it’s been lost, having sex with someone is about as common as going to the movies. People have skipped dating and went straight to the GOOD stuff. Why is that? Don’t you people like holding hands, cuddling on a cold night?

In the months of single life after my divorce I noticed I too could care less about intimacy. I was in the mind set I was too tired to try, yeah I would shave my legs and more than likely wear deodorant when I went out but I didn’t want to wait 6 mths to get to know you. I wanted my needs met right then, little did I know that back massager could do the same thing.

So where do we go from here?  When will people see that just crashing into one another has nothing but a physical effect, it doesn’t teach the soul, it doesn’t make us better people….

It just makes it burn when we pee…




  1. You know I think there is so much hate and general meanness in this world that people are afraid to become close to others.

    You show your heart to someone, they get pissed and the next thing you know your life is being broadcast on the internet.

    So like you point out, people have their physical needs met and keep their guard up. God forbid you actually spend time "just being" with someone, they might grow attached to you. Do people even talk to each other anymore?

  2. I don't think they do, I think they talk "at" each other, through text, email or social networks. People do keep their guard up and thats very sad.
