Tuesday, October 12, 2010

Smile, I'm back

To those who don't know about my earlier blogging days, let me tell you that those were some of the BEST days ever. It was a way to be a complete idiot and not be judged. I met a lot of great people and learned a lot about myself.

Things have changed in the last 2 years since my blogging days and I'm ready to get my feet wet again so to speak and share whats on my mind. Let me warn you off the bat, some days I'm silly, some days I'm a total wack-job, but EVERYDAY I'm just me. With that being said, some things I say should be taken with a grain of salt, I do love a little shock value so don't be concerned or send the men in the white coats.

The "real" me is saved for those I love, I keep a small part of me tucked away for those special people. However I will share the rest of my crazy sometimes redundant life. I have a crazy family but I love them truly, madly, deeply.

With that being said I will however make fun of them all, they are ALL fair game. If you cant laugh at others what fun is life? Family itself was created for pure entertainment.

So smile......I'm back